Learning Support – Programmes.

Gaze sourced and funded the Feuerstein programme to NZ. For the specific benefit of our learning supported children.

The Charity has ceased to fund Feuerstein trainings in NZ, due to significant lack of integrity displayed by FIE at the January 2017 trainings – trainees paid Israel the $250 each for course materials, were only given 20% (typically one teacher manual only, as opposed to the full five manuals paid for) of the materials and trainees are still not certificated. The Trustees, Sir Pat Lynch, Lady Sheila Graham and the charity’s Capability Partners Deloitte (auditors), Bentleys (accountants) and Greenwood Roche (lawyers) instructed the charity to cease all dealings with Feuerstein and their commercial arm – FIE.

Teaching-how-teach, learning-how-to-learn. This programme has a special emphasis on our 140,000 Learning Supported children nationwide.  Anne instigated, funded $800,000+ and trained 1400+ teachers nationwide, organized TV, newspaper and radio deliveries and funded heads of FIE to NZ on two occasions.

With a $10,000 commission payable to FIE for each class, Gaze no longer can subsidize the trainings; we were also consistently denied reduction of this commission, to be in line with payments in other countries pay – $150 pp. But Standard 1 Training is scheduled in 2019 in the Otago area, delivered by Independent Schools Victoria – Genia Janover is the trainer (feedback on Melbourne’s teaching is very rated). Learn more.

Continued Professional Development (CPD):
CPD is optional – only required if you need to order printing materials through FIE.  Once trained, all trainees have the right to deliver the programme without further investment.  Feedback on current CPD, either direct or via online, has not been well received.  Our recommendation is that you work with a peer – if you would like collaboration in this manner, to help you and support your delivery of the programme, please contact us.

We have surplus material (instruments), free to anyone needing resources.

Read more about Feuerstein.

Gaze sourced and funded the Arrowsmith programme into schools in NZ – partnering with the Friedlander Foundation to deliver into our low decile schools. This programme replaces the school curriculum with full-day ‘cognitive lessons’ but has no research, is for-profit and costs $17,000+pa per child – this lack of educational equity was the motivation for Anne to search the globe for a cognitive intervention that did have science-based research, was scalable and affordable to all our children. In the absence of any found internationally, Anne initiated our own NZ programme and funded the Centre for Brain Research’s cognitive programme.


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