

New Zealand needs well qualified, dynamic and enthusiastic teachers who enjoy working with young people.

In the early childhood sector, there is a need for teachers who are speakers of te reo Māori and Pasifika languages. In the primary and secondary sectors, there is a shortage of teachers of te reo Māori and Māori-medium teachers.

A career with a difference

If you want a career with a difference, become a teacher.

People choose to teach for a load of different reasons. Some want a great work-life balance. Some want to give something back to their communities. Others want a job that provides opportunities for personal development, and some want a job with competitive pay, conditions and rewards. Whatever your motivation, or stage in life, teaching can tick all these boxes and more.

You’ll find all the information you need, including the qualifications required and where to study, in this section.

You can also call us during business hours on 0800 165 225 if you need to chat.

Teaching in New Zealand

There have been some significant changes to teacher supply and demand due to the impact of the global economic recession.

New Zealand still has a need for well qualified, dynamic and enthusiastic teachers in certain areas:

Primary and Secondary teachers
In both primary and secondary, there is still a shortage of highly qualified teachers of Te Reo Māori and for Māori Medium teachers.

Early childhood teachers (ECE)
Demand for teachers who are speakers of te reo Māori and Pasifika languages is high.

We’re committed to supporting the professional development of teachers and principals. If you are interested in completing a qualification, taking time off each week to study while teaching, moving to another curriculum or subject area, or taking time off to research a topic of interest, have a look at the professional development opportunities available.

Study Awards, Sabbaticals and Study Support Grants

Applications for 2019 study awards, sabbaticals and study support grants are now closed. Information on 2019 study awards, sabbaticals and study support grants will be available in late April 2019, on this website. Find out what’s right for you by clicking on the relevant button below. You can also view the full Awards list here.

Other Opportunities

Linking Minds Scholarship
Linking Minds is a prestigious international scholarship for young teachers who identify themselves as emerging leaders.

Special Education Study Awards or Study Awards for teachers wanting to upskill in Special Education
Information for those wishing to increase their skills at teaching children with special learning needs.

Christchurch Earthquake Teachers’ Training Support Fund
Information on the training support fund available to teachers employed in the Christchurch, Waimakariri or Selwyn districts.

Queen Elizabeth II Technicians’ Study Awards
Information and criteria about the Queen Elizabeth the Second Technicians’ Study Awards.

TESSOL – Tuition fees scholarships
Details about how to apply for the scholarships to study towards a TESSOL (Teaching English in Schools for Speakers of Other Languages)

ACET – Advanced Classroom Expertise Teacher recognition
Information for primary teachers on how to be recongised as an Advanced Classroom Expertise Teacher

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching
Details about the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching for highly accomplished New Zealand primary or secondary teachers.

Fuji Xerox Dame Herbison NZEALS Scholarship
Information on the prestigious award for an education leader to study or visit schools and/or other education-related institutions in New Zealand or overseas.
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