NZ Brain Game (MovinCog)

The MovinCog Initiative

In 2013, Anne found huge frustration in navigating through many commercial programme companies claiming cognitive research and pivotal outcomes. But she couldn’t check on their claims of peer reviews or published works. So Anne initiated and funded the full audit of all programmes sold to NZ schools and families.

That audit was sobering. Many commercial claims made to our most vulnerable had no or little evidence-based research. So Anne founded, initiated and funded New Zealand’s own. MovinCog is the face of a global first - a programme that is in the fourth year of research with the Centre for Brain Research, bring transformational results to the 1,000+ children and 40+ schools involved. Anne's pre-requisite for this programme’s funding and development is that the programme is to be available to all NZ children at no cost–this is her personal commitment to our most vulnerable.

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