Land mine Removal – Europe. In Croatia alone, 1.1 million Croats live in mine-affected areas, plus large parts of Croatia have not been occupied for years.
Educational Psychologist for Low Decile Schools. Gaze initiated and funded an Ed. Psych. on full salary to deliver Decile 1 schools in South Auckland, facilitating 230 Ed. Psych reports annually.
Cost Analysis on Learning Supported Students. KPMG Cost Analysis - benefitting our 140,000 nationwide learning-supported students.
Brain-Changer Conferences. Gaze initiated, delivers and funds the nationwide cognitive conferences at universities of Auckland, Victoria, Canterbury and Otago.
Go-Teach: Teacher Support. Gaze initiated, delivers and funds top undergraduates into school classrooms to plug the nationwide need for STEM teachers.
Revision Workshops. Gaze identified a huge need in failing students and founded the nationwide Intensive Revision Workshops for NCEA, IB and Cambridge students in external exams years.
Learning Support – Programmes. Gaze sourced and funded the Feuerstein programme to NZ. For the specific benefit of our learning supported children.
Audit on Global Cognitive Programmes. Gaze initiated the Audit on all for-profit educational programmes sold in New Zealand.
Centre for Brain Research. Gaze funded the past 3 years work of Dr David Moreau, Centre for Brain Research, University of Auckland, developing a significant, cognitive intervention programme for our learning impaired students.