2015 (Updated Annually)
In 2017, 11,500 students nationwide were assessed as Learning Disabled. Initiated by Anne, KPMG was funded by Gaze to table the costs to schools/government over the 13 years these children were in the education system. The cost of a learning supported child is 1.91 of normative (Cognition, 2009).
“Over the course of 13 years, this cost equates to half a billion dollars, but if we deliver a significant cognitive programme at years 1 and 2 and place these children to mainstream classes, never to need learning support again, this cost dilutes to just $38m. This analysis was necessary to present to those who do not ‘get’ the cost of our learning supported children – not just the emotional cost, the raw, financial cost. And this cost extends to Ministry of Corrections, Disabilities, Health, Education and the Commissioner for Children – the right of every child to an equitable education.”