Other Dependent Students

The Student Allowance definition for other dependent students

For the parents of a student applying for a Student Allowance, another dependent student is someone:

  • who is attending a full-time course at a tertiary provider or a secondary school, and
  • who is not studying overseas unless they are undertaking a recognised exchange programme, and
  • who is not younger than 16 on the 31st December in the year prior to the Student Allowance application and who is not older than 23 on 1 January in the year of the application, and
  • who has not been awarded an Independent Circumstances Allowance, and
  • for whom the parent(s) don’t get a Work and Income Orphans or Unsupported Childs Benefit, and
    who receives financial support from you.

Attributed interest

Attributed interest is calculated using the following formula:

  • Dependent child interest / relevant major shareholders

For the purposes of this formula, the following definitions apply:

  • Dependent child interest is the total percentage voting interests for the company held by the person’s dependent children (or the dependent children of their partner), on the last day of the company’s income year.
  • Relevant major shareholders is the total number of parents (or their partner, or other principal caregivers of the dependent children) who are major shareholders of the company on the last day of the company’s income year.
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